Monday, November 16, 2009

Wanna Be An Author

Does anybody reading this wanna be an author like me??? I've always liked writing, and I like to think I'm good at it, but...ARGH I'm just too shy to let most people read my written work!

If anybody else here has tips for me on how to deal with SHYNESS about writing...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment to tell me your tip!

That would really be good for me, since that's what I'm looking for.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

So What's Up?

Hey all!

Just a post about the most annoying things you hear people say!!!!! (No offense if you say these things, I just find them annoying, peeps.)
-Hay's for horses (in your face I just wrote it up there at the beginning!!)
-That's just fine and dandy
-By cracky (okay that one's actually pretty cool, scratch annoying on that one :)!)
SOOOOOOO...xmas is on its way! Only...let me count...1 month 12 days!!!! YEAH!
everybody loves xmas!
So C U all!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy (late) Halloween!

Happy late Halloween, readers!

At my house, I am telling you, it was FREEZING! brrrrr....
Halloween costumes:

10.Holly Golightly (is that even how you spell it?)
9.Pacman yellow guy (last year, but what the hey)
8.White faced murderer guy with scythe (the scythe broke)
7.SpongeBob (ha...inside joke)
6.Poodle Skirt Girl (me, but who cares?)
5.Sea Captain (okay, stretching it)
4.Pumpkin (a baby, SWEET!)
3.STOP sign (hahahaha! milk coming out of my nose: hilarious!
2.Present (box, ribbonz, 'n' ev'rything imaginable!)
1.SMURFS! (a group)

Worst Halloween Surprise EVER: Kids go trick-or-treating in their STREET CLOTHES! No costume, just an empty pillowcase, and they say they're trick-or-treating! What has Halloween come to, people?!?!?!?!?
Best Halloween Surprise EVER: Plenty of kids are still in the spirit. COSTUMES, YAY!!!!!!!!

Catch ya later!

P.S. while you're waiting, cheer up and read!